Jewish Calendar 2024 Passover

November 16, 2022 By admin Off

Jewish Calendar 2024 Passover

jewish calendar 2024
jewish calendar 2024
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Passover is a significant holiday in the Jewish calendar, commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. In 2024, Passover will begin on the evening of Friday, April 19th, and end on the evening of Saturday, April 27th. As a Jewish person, this holiday holds a special place in my heart, and I am excited to share with you the events and festivals that take place during this time.

Events and Festivals in Jewish Calendar 2024 Passover

Seder Night

The first and perhaps most important event in Passover is the Seder night. This is a special dinner that takes place on the first and second nights of Passover. The dinner is filled with symbolism, from the matzah representing the bread of affliction eaten by the Israelites in Egypt to the bitter herbs representing the bitterness of slavery. The Seder is a time for family and friends to come together and retell the story of the Exodus.

Yom Tov

Passover is a Yom Tov, which means it is a festival day. This means that on the first two and last two days of Passover, work is forbidden, and traditional Jewish prayers and services take place in synagogues.

Chol Hamoed

The days in between the first two and last two days of Passover are known as Chol Hamoed, or “intermediate days.” During these days, work is permitted, but traditional Jewish activities, such as visiting family and friends, are encouraged.


On the final day of Passover, a special memorial service called Yizkor is held in synagogues. This service is a time to remember loved ones who have passed away and to recite prayers for their souls.

Celebrating Passover

Passover is a time for Jewish people to come together and celebrate their history and traditions. Many families will clean their homes in the weeks leading up to Passover, removing all traces of chametz, or leavened bread. During Passover, only matzah is eaten, and many traditional foods, such as gefilte fish and matzah ball soup, are enjoyed.

Children play a special role in Passover celebrations, with many participating in a game called the “afikomen” hunt. The afikomen is a piece of matzah that is hidden during the Seder, and children search for it in exchange for a prize.

Question and Answer

What is the significance of matzah during Passover?

Matzah represents the bread of affliction that the Israelites ate while they were slaves in Egypt. It is also a reminder of the haste with which they left Egypt, as they did not have time to let their bread rise.

Why is the Seder such an important part of Passover?

The Seder is a time to retell the story of the Exodus and to remember the hardships that the Israelites faced. It is also a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate their traditions.

What is Yizkor?

Yizkor is a special memorial service held on the final day of Passover. It is a time to remember loved ones who have passed away and to recite prayers for their souls.


What are some traditional Passover foods?

Some traditional Passover foods include matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, and brisket.

Why is chametz forbidden during Passover?

Chametz, or leavened bread, is forbidden during Passover to symbolize the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt and to remind Jewish people of their history and traditions.

What is the afikomen hunt?

The afikomen hunt is a game that children play during the Seder. A piece of matzah called the afikomen is hidden, and children search for it in exchange for a prize.

Passover is a joyous time for Jewish people to come together and celebrate their history and traditions. From the Seder to Yizkor, this holiday is filled with events and festivals that are rich in symbolism and meaning. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the significance of Passover in the Jewish calendar.